Saturday, November 12, 2011

Chapter 16 - 石头汤 Shí tou tāng

Hé xīn

Cóngqián, yǒusān gè xiōngdì, lǎodà jiào ā fú, 
lǎo èr jiào ā cái, lǎo sān jiào ā bǎo.
Yǒu yì tiān, tāmen lái dào yí gè piānpì de cūnzi.
Cūnmín yí kàn dào zhè sān gè mòshēng rén, jiù dōu bǎmén suǒ qǐlái.
Bùguǎn sān xiōngdì zěnme qiāo, cūnmín dōu jùjué kāimén.

Yuánlái, cūnlǐ shícháng yǒu dàozéi chūxiàn, 
suǒyǐ cūnmín bù xiāngxìn mòshēng rén,
Shènzhì línlǐ zhī jiān yě hùxiāng cāiyí, 
dàjiā de guānxì shífēn lěngdàn

Sān xiōngdì xiǎng gǎibiàn zhè yíqiè,
kěshì yào zěnme zuò ne?

Ā cái língjī yídòng, shuō:
Wǒmen lái zhǔ shítou
tāng ba!

Yúshì, tāmen jià qǐlái yìkǒu guō, zài guō li zhuāng mǎn shuǐ,
Yòu zhǎo lái sān kuài shítou fàng jìn guō li, ránhòu diǎn huǒshāo shuǐ.


Cūnmín kànle juéde hěn hàoqí, fēnfēn chūlái wéiguān
"Wǒmen zài zhǔ shítou tāng, yìnwèi méiyǒu yán, 
mǐjiǔ hé hújiāo fěn, zhèngzài fāchóu ne.”
Ā bǎo duì cūnmín shuō.
“Wǒ jiāli yǒu!” Yí gè cūnmín pǎo huí jiā, 
ná láile yán, mǐjiǔ hé hújiāo fěn.
Ā fú shuō
“Yàoshi jiā shàng yìxiē húluóbo, tāng jiù huì gèng tián”

“Wǒ jiāli yǒu!” Yí gè fùnǚ pǎo huí jiā, 
ná lái húluóbo fàng jìnle guō li.
“Rúguǒ zài jiā shàng yìxiē ròu huo cài, nà jiù gèng xiāngle”
Ā cái shuō.

Yǒu jǐ gè cūnmín yìliūyān de pǎo huí jiā qù.
Tāmen dài láile xiānggū, huáng dòuyá, yùmǐ hé ròu wán,
Bǎ zhèxiē dōngxi dū fàng jìnle guō li.
Jiù zhèyàng, guō li de dōngxi yuè lái yuè fēngfùle

Tāng zhōngyú zhǔ hǎole, wèidào shífēn xiānměi.
Dàjiā zuò zài yìqǐ hē tāng, liáotiān er.
Cūnmín zhōngyú míngbáile fēnxiǎng néng dài gěi dàjiā kuàilè.

Wǎncān hòu, cūnmín zhēng xiāng yāoqǐng 
sān xiōngdì dào jiāli qù zhù,
ràng tāmen shū shūfú fúde shuì yí jiào.
Zài zhè níngjìng de yèwǎn, cūnmín gǎnshòu dàole 
cónglái méiyǒu guò de kuàilè he xìngfú

Word Bank
  1. 石头 = stone [batu]
  2. 汤 = broth, soup [kuah]
  3. 从前 = in the past, long time ago [dahulu kala]
  4. 有 = there’s, have, having [terdapat]
  5. 三个 = 3 persons [3 orang]
  6. 兄弟 = brotherhood, brothers [saudara laki laki]
  7. 老大 = eldest, first born [anak sulung]
  8. 叫 = namely, is called [bernama]
  9. 老二 = younger brother, second born [anak kedua]
  10. 老三 = the youngest, third born [anak bungsu]
  11. 有一天 = one day [suatu hari]
  12. 他们 = they, them [mereka]
  13. 来到 = come to, arrive in [datang ke]
  14. 一个 = a, an, one [sebuah]
  15. 偏僻 – 荒僻之地 = remote place [tempat terpelosok]
  16. 村子 = village [desa]
  17. 村民 = villager [penduduk desa]
  18. 一看到 = once of seeing [sekali milihat]
  19. 这 = this [ini]
  20. 陌生人 = stranger [orang asing]
  21. 就 = then – to emphasis the phrase [kemudian], sometimes also means “exactly is = 就是” [memang adalah]
  22. 都 = indicates all [semua]
  23. 把 = 把 + noun / object + verb [passive voice] – [di-]
  24. 门 = door [pintu]
  25. 锁起来 = locked [dikunci]
  26. 不管 – 无论 - 不论 = no matter, regardless [tak peduli]
  27. 怎么敲Zěnme qiāo = how do you knock [bagaimana kau mengetuk]
  28. 拒绝 = refuse to [menolak untuk]
  29. 开门 = to open the door [membuka pintu]
  30. 原来 – 事实上 = in fact [ternyata]
  31. 村里 – 村庄里面 = inside the village [didalam desa]
  32. 时常Shícháng – 常常chángcháng – 屡次lǚcì – 多次duō cì – 屡屡lǚlǚ = frequently [seringkali]
  33. 盗贼Dàozéi – 强盗qiáng dào = robber, bandit [perampok]
  34. 出现Chūxiàn – 浮现fúxiàn = appear, to occur, to appear before one eyes [kejadian, muncul]
  35. 所以Suǒyǐ – 因此yīncǐ – 那么nàme = so, then [jadi, kemudian]
  36. 不 = not, no, none [tidak] – negative sentence
  37. 相信Xiāngxìn – 给信任gěi xìnrèn - 信赖xìnlài = believe
  38. 甚至 = even [bahkan]
  39. 邻里之间 = among neighbor, in neighborhood [diantara tetangga]
  40. Noun + 之间 = among + noun / object
  41. 也 = also [juga]
  42. 互相 = mutually [Saling]
  43. 猜疑 = suspect, to be suspicious [curiga]
  44. 大家 = everybody, everyone [setiap orang]
  45. 的 = of, own [kepunyaan]
  46. 关系 = relationship, relation [hubungan]
  47. 十分 = totally, completely [benar benar]
  48. 冷淡 = cold, desolate [dingin, acuh tak acuh]
  49. 想Xiǎng – 想要xiǎng yào = want to [ingin]
  50. 改变 = to change [merubah]
  51. 这一切 = all this [semua ini]
  52. 可是Kě shì – 但是dàn shì – 不过bú guò = but, nonetheless [tetapi, namun demikian]
  53. 要Yào – 应该yīng gāi – 需要xū yào = should, need to [seharusnya]
  54. 怎么做Zěn me zuò – 怎么搞zěnme gǎo = how to do it? [bagaimana melakukannya?]
  55. 呢?emphasis in the interrogative sentence [kah? Yah?]
  56. 灵机一动 = suddenly inspired by something, get inspiration [mendapatkan ilham]
  57. 说Shuō – 讲jiǎng = to speak, to tell [berkata]
  58. 我们 = we, us [kami]
  59. 来 = to come, to arrive [来 + 到 = tiba, datang] ; to ask other to do something = let’s; come [mari]
  60. 煮 – 烹调 = to cook
  61. 吧 = a particle used after an imperative sentence which also means “let’s” or “come” with no force or just talk over something [yuk, mari] in positive sentence. Or in any doubt circumstance, in case you are not sure the matter or situation, then it means could be, might be [mungkin]
  62. 于是Yú shì – 因而yīn ér - 所以suǒ yǐ = therefore [karenanya]
  63. 架Jià – 搭建dājiàn = verb: to set up [membangun]
  64. 起来 = indicates an action begin to do [mulai]
  65. 一口 = measure word for pan, boiler or pot ; a, one [sebuah]
  66. 锅 = pan; pot or boiler [dandang, panci]
  67. 在 =
  68. 在 + noun/object/adverb of place or time, means
  69. at, in, on [conjunctive – kata sambun yang berarti di, pada]
  70. 在 + verb, means
  71. An action is in progress, it’s like “be+verb+ing” in english [sedang]
  72. 装满 = fill up to full, full load [masukkan penuh]
  73. 水 = water [air]
  74. 又 = then again [lagi]
  75. 找来 = to seek, to find [mencari]
  76. 三块石头 = three stones [3 batu]
  77. 放 = to put [menaruh]
  78. 进 = in or enter [masuk, kedalam]
  79. 然后Ránhòu – 接着jiē zhe- 接下来jiē xià lái = then [kemudian]
  80. 点火 = lit the light [nyalakan api]
  81. 烧水 = boil the water [masak air]
  82. 看 = to look, to see [melihat]
  83. 了 = past tense form means an action is done [telah]
  84. 觉得 = to feel [merasa]
  85. 很 = very[sangat]
  86. 好奇 = curious, curiosity [penasaran, ingin tahu]
  87. 纷纷 = one after another [satu persatu]
  88. 出来 = go out [keluar]
  89. 围观 = to surround and watch [mengelilingi dan melihat]
  90. 因为 = because [karena]
  91. 没有 = there’s no, have no [tidak ada]
  92. 盐 – 盐巴 = salt – ingredient [garam]
  93. 米酒 = rice wine [arak beras]
  94. 和 = and [dan]
  95. 胡椒粉 = pepper powder, pepper [bumbu lada]
  96. 正在 = in the process of [sedang]
  97. 发愁 = to be worry, to fret about [merasa khawatir]
  98. 对+object or person+说 = to tell + oject / person [berkata kepada + orang atau objek]
  99. 家里 – 房子里面 = in house [dalam rumah]
  100. 跑 = to run [berlari]
  101. 回家 = return home [kembali ke rumah]
  102. 拿来 = to bring here, to come and bring [datang membawa]
  103. 要是 – 倘若 – 如果 – 假设 = supposing, if [seandainya, jika]
  104. 加上 = to add up [menambahkan]
  105. 一些 = some, several [beberapa]
  106. 胡萝卜 – 红萝卜 = carrot [wortel]
  107. 会 = will be able to [akan bisa]
  108. 更 – 比较 = more [lebih]
  109. 甜 = sweet [manis]
  110. 妇女 = woman, adult female [ibu ibu]
  111. 肉 = meat [daging]
  112. 菜 = vegetable [sayur mayur]
  113. 香 = good aroma, tasty [sedap, beraroma]
  114. 几个 = several [beberapa]
  115. 一溜烟 = like a wisp of smoke; (to disappear etc) in an instant [menghilang dalam sekejab]
  116. 地 = indicates conjunctive between adjective with verb [kata sambung antara kata sifat dan kata kerja]
    for example:
    她高兴地说 = she happily say, she gladly say [ia dengan gembira berkata]
    Adj +地+verb
  117. 带来 = to bring up, to bring to this place [membawanya kemari]
  118. 香菇 = mushroom [jamur]
  119. 黄豆芽 = bean sprouts [toge]
  120. 玉米 = corn [jagung]
  121. 肉丸 = meat ball [bakso]
  122. 东西 = things, stuff [barang, hal]
  123. 就这样 = all the things goes like this, this way, that’s it, thus [begitulah]
  124. 越来越 = more [lebih]
  125. 丰富 = abundant [berlimpah]
  126. 终于 – 总算 = finally [akhirnya]
  127. 好了 = finished, done [selesai]
  128. 味道 = the taste, flavor [rasanya]
  129. 鲜美 = tasty [sedap]
  130. 坐在一起 = sit together
  131. 喝汤 = to drink the soup [minum kuah]
  132. 聊天儿 = chatting [ngobrol]
  133. 明白 – 了解 – 明了 = to understand [mengerti]
  134. 分享 = to share [berbagi]
  135. 能 = can, could [bisa]
  136. 带给+object/persons+adj = to bring [membawa] + adjective + to object / person [menghadirkan atau membawa + kata sifat [kebahagiaan, kesengsaraan, dsb] + kepada objek atau orang.
  137. 晚餐 = dinner [makan malam]
  138. 后 – 以后 – 之后 = after, later [setelah]
  139. 争相邀请 = scrambled each other to invite [berebutan mengundang]
  140. 到+object+去 = go to + object [pergi ke +object]
  141. 住 = to stay [menginap]
  142. 让 = to let, to make [membuat]
  143. 舒服 = comfortable [nyaman]
  144. 睡觉 = to sleep [tidur]
  145. 宁静 = calm, tranquil [tenang]
  146. 夜晚 = night [malam]
  147. 感受到 = sense, to feel [merasa]
  148. 从来没有 = never since, never been [dari dulu belum pernah]
  149. 过 = to pass, through [melalui]
  150. 快乐和幸福 = happy [bahagia]

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